We will celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord on Monday 6.1. There will be Mass in Finnish at 10 am, Mass in Finnish for children at 11.30, Mass in Russian at 1 pm, Mass in Polish at 4 pm and Mass in English at 6 pm. Catholics have an obligation to attend the Holy Mass.

A course for English speakers who wish to improve their Finnish for masses and prayers will continue on Tuesday 7.1. at 6.45 pm in the parish hall.

Bible sharing group gathers on Thursday 9.1. after the evening Mass in the parish hall.

The First Communion and Confirmation classes in Finnish will take place on Saturday 11.1.

We invite children from 5 to 8 years old to a Sunday school in Finnish. The meeting will take place on Sunday 12.1. at 10 am in the parish hall.

We would like to set up a place at the side of the church where kids can play quietly during Mass. We are looking for donations of items for children. More details on the information board.

Stickers and prayers for the yearly home blessing are available in the porch. At the beginning pray together the Our Father and Hail Mary prayer, one reads the prayer of blessing and fixes the sticker. Donation for a sticker is 2 Euros to support the missionary work of the church.

The Jubilee Year 2025 begins in our diocese on Sunday 29.12.2024. The Jubilee Year invites us to strengthen our spiritual life and to open ourselves to God’s grace. Gathering and opening liturgy at the German Church in Helsinki (Unioninkatu 1) at 12:30 PM, followed by a procession to St. Henry’s Cathedral, where the Pontifical Mass will be celebrated.

We will thank God for the past year 2024 on Tuesday 31.12. We thank our church workers, all volunteers and parishioners for their service, prayers and witness of faith.

The solemnity of Mary, Mother of God and the beginning of New Year will be celebrated on Wednesday 1.1. We will ask God’s blessing for the New Year. All Catholics have a privilege and the obligation to attend the Mass on Wednesday.

There will be an adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Friday 3.1 in honour of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The adoration will start after the evening Mass and will last till 10 pm.

Mass in Hyvinkää will be celebrated on Saturday 4.1 at 4 pm in the Old church (Vanha kirkko).

Stickers and prayers for the yearly home blessing are available in the porch. At the beginning pray together the Our Father and Hail Mary prayer, one reads the prayer of blessing and fixes the sticker. Donation for a sticker is 2 Euros to support the missionary work of the church.

Let us participate in the Sacrament of Penance before Christmas, so that Jesus may also be born in our hearts.

During the Advent we support those in need. Caritas Finland’s Advent Collection supports small farmers in Nepal. We can donate via Caritas web page www.caritas.fi, directly to Caritas bank account, via MobilePay or to the donation box in the church.

On Christmas Eve, Tuesday 24.12., there will be a morning mass in Finnish at 7.30 am. Christmas Eve family mass is at 2 pm. Children who wish to participate in the Christmas Eve Family Mass as angels or shepherds are asked to meet in the parish hall at 12.00. Mass in Tagalog is at 4 pm. Christmas Eve Mass is at midnight, half an hour before the Christmas Eve Mass we sing Christmas carols.

On Christmas Day, Wednesday 25.12., there will be a mass in Finnish at 10 am, a mass with the bishop at 12.00, a mass in Polish at 4 pm and a mass in English at 6 pm.

On St. Stephen feast, Thursday 26 December, there will be a mass in Finnish at 10 am and a mass in English at 6 pm.

An event called “Music meets Poetry” will take place on Thursday at 7 pm. Markku Mäkinen will play the organ and parishioner Mona Lazar will read her Christmas poems in English.

The Jubilee Year 2025 begins in our diocese on Sunday 29.12.2024. The Jubilee Year invites us to strengthen our spiritual life and to open ourselves to God’s grace.


Blessed Christmas to all!

It is important during the time of Advent that we dedicate more time to prayer, penance and reading the Bible. We encourage all parishioners to attend the sacrament of confession before Christmas.

During the Advent we support those in need. Caritas Finland’s Advent Collection supports small farmers in Nepal. We can donate via Caritas web page www.caritas.fi, directly to Caritas bank account, via MobilePay or to the donation box in the church.

The First Communion and Confirmation classes in English will be on Saturday at 10 am in the parish hall.

A Christmas dinner for lonely people will take place on Sat 21.12. There will be a Mass at 6 pm and a dinner afterwards in the parish hall. Welcome.

We invite children to a Sunday school in Finnish. The meeting will take place on Sunday, 10.12. at 10 am in the parish hall. Holy Mass in Finnish for children will be at 11.30 am.

There will be a Family Mass on Christmas Eve at 2.00 p.m. We ask children who wish to take part in the Christmas play to come to the parish hall at 12.00 am. There is a list of roles on the notice board for parents to write their numbers on.

Elders and homebound persons can ask a priest to visit them at home and to bring the Holy Communion. For that, please contact our parish office.

We thank all those who have participated in the preparation and celebration of our feast in the church and in the English school.

During the Advent we support those in need. Caritas Finland’s Advent Collection supports small farmers in Nepal. We can donate via Caritas web page caritas.fi, directly to Caritas bank account, via Mobile pay or to the donation box in the church.

The solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be celebrated on Monday 9.12. There will be Mass in English at 7.30 am and Mass in Finnish at 6 pm.

Bible sharing group will gather on Thursday 12.12 after the evening Mass in the parish hall.

A Christmas party for young people aged 13-19 will take place on Sat 14.12. at 6 pm in the parish hall.

A Christmas dinner for lonely people will take place in our parish hall on Sat 21.12. at 7 pm.

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