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A course for English speakers who wish to improve their Finnish for masses and prayers will continue on Tuesday 19.11. at 6:45 pm in the parish hall.
There will be a movie evening on Thursday 21.11. at 6:45 pm in the parish hall. The title of the movie is: “Who’s Frank Duff?”
There will be a Charismatic Prayer Meeting on Friday 22.11. after the evening Mass.
Charismatic Retreat will be held on Saturday 23.11. at 1 pm – 5:30 pm at the church and parish hall. The speakers will be Laszlo and Krisztina Gorove from Hungary. The Retreat will continue on Sunday 24.11. at 1 pm – 5 pm at the Angelicum Hall in Studium Catholicum.
St. Cecilia’s memorial will be celebrated on Friday 22.11. We congratulate all members of the choir. A concert in honour of St. Cecilia will take place on Saturday 23.11. at 7 pm.
We can help the homeless and poor by donating hygiene products to a charity foundation called Sininauhasäätiö. There is a list of products on the information board.
We sincerely thank the parishioners who support our church with regular membership fee. It is possible to support our parish through the MobilePay app with the number 47373.
It is important that every Catholic living permanently in Finland registers with a local parish.