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If your child in the third grade or older has not yet received his/her First Communion, please register him/her for the First Communion preparation class. The class starts in September and is held once a month on Saturdays until the First Communion. Please register at the parish office (tel. 050 434 4260 or maria(ät)

First Communion classes in English 2024-2025

We ask the parents of all youngsters in the eighth grade to register their teenagers for the preparatory course for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Also, any youth or young adult who is older than that age and has not yet received the Sacrament of Confirmation is very welcome to register for the course beginning in September. Please register at the parish office (tel. 050 434 4260 or maria(ät)

Confirmation classes in English 2024-2025

You will find information about the religious education on the page of the Diocesan Education Department:

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