Schedule of the week

This post is also available in: Suomi (Finnish)English (English)Svenska (Swedish)Polski (Polish)

Weekly schedule:

Saturday: 18.00 Evening Mass in Finnish;
Sunday: 9.30 Rosary in Finnish (Stations of the Cross during the Lent), 10.00 High Mass in Finnish,
11.30: 1st Sunday of the month: Mass in Swedish; 2nd Children’s Mass in Finnish;
3rd Mass in Vietnamese; 4th Children’s Mass in Finnish, 5th Children’s Mass in Finnish;
13.00: 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month: Mass in Tagalog
16.00: Mass in Polish; 17.30 Rosary in English (Stations of the Cross during the Lent),
18.00 Mass in English
Mon., Tue., Wed., Thurs., Fri. 7.30 Mass in Finnish or in English
Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs. Fri. 17.15-17.50 Adoration, 18.00 Evening Mass in Finnish
Sat. 10.00 Mass in Finnish
Confession: Mon., Tues., Wed. Thurs., Fri. 16.45-17.05; Sat. 17.30-17.50; Sun. 9.30-9.50; 17.30-17.50
Parish office is open: Monday-Wednesday 10.00-15.00


Weekly schedule during the summer:

Saturday: 18.00 Evening Mass in Finnish
Sunday: 9.30 Rosary in Finnish, 10.00 High Mass in Finnish
3rd Sunday of the month: 11.30 Mass in Vietnamese
2nd and 4th Sunday of the month: 13.00 Mass in Tagalog
16.00 Mass in Polish
17.30 Rosary in English
18.00 Mass in English
Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs. Fri. 17.15-17.50 Adoration, 18.00 Evening Mass in Finnish
Confession: Mon., Tues., Wed. Thurs., Fri. 16.45-17.05; Sat. 17.30-17.50; Sun. 9.30-9.50; 17.30-17.50
Parish office: Please book an appointment.

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